Important Change in Auto Enrolment

To enrol eligible workers into a pension scheme will be compulsory for all firms.

There is a very important change happening right now that will affect a large number of you. Even if you are not immediately affected you should be aware of it in case it affects you in the future. It is “auto-enrolment” or “workplace pensions”. You will possibly have seen adverts about this on the television. If you are affected then, as usual, there are severe penalties for failing to comply.

We have produced a short guideline and we would appreciate if you would have a look at least at the first page to see whether or not you are affected. If you are, then you will hopefully find the rest of the document at least of some help in getting to terms with this change.

If we prepare your payroll, then we will be contacting you separately.

Please feel free to contact us if you need further advice on this.